Occasionally things happen in your life that can leave such a bad taste in your mouth that you are basically left jaded, wallowing in self-pity, and wondering what if anything you could have done differently. This is precisely what I am going through at this moment, and somethingRead Full Article
The 50-hour Ironman Podcast at www.VegasPokerRadio.com is officially in the books, and what a long strange trip it has been for the three hosts, Johnny Sep, Kevin Wright, and Brandon Gerson, who stayed awake and talking (with a little nap here and there) throughout the entirety of theRead Full Article
At the time of writing the Ironman Podcast has been going strong for over 31 hours. After the first 24 hours of a planned 50-hour podcast the hosts of Filthy Limper Radio have set the bar very high for their second 48 hours, having interviewed such notable pokerRead Full Article