Supposed Subject Poker Source contacts PokerNewsBoy

Posted by Gerry Poltorak on Sep 15, 2011 Posted in Poker News | 3 Comments »

On Tuesday, I published an article that was very critical of Subject:Poker and their report that the U.S. Department of Justice was going after Merge.  Some of you liked it, and some of you don’t.  However, the most interesting development from this came this morning in the form of an unexpected skype conversation.

Someone by the name of Robert Holla (or at least that is the name used on Skype) wanted to “talk to me about Merge Gaming.”  Not one to back down from my comments, I talked to him.

The conversation started out harmless enough with him asking me what I expected Noah of Subject:Poker to do with the information given him, etc.  He then asked me the following:

“[3:54:20 PM] Robert: yeah but if i came to you, said I was a CI for the DOJ and had information would u not publish it?”

I asked this guy what information that Noah supposedly received and the reply I got was, shall we say somewhat hard to swallow.

[3:55:23 PM] Robert: Look, i’ll be frank with you.. I am his source and this whole ordeal has been very sensitive

Well smack my fanny and call me Shirley.  How lucky could I be, right?  Maybe I should go play the lotto and see if I can extend my luck.

Ok, so I lie.  I think the guy is full of shit, but I figure I would humor him just in the remote chance he is legit.  I tell him that I was giving the other side of the story, etc and Robert continued on that Noah’s intentions were correct.

Robert then drops this little nugget,

[3:56:53 PM] Robert: and I can openly say did prevent a pretty big siezure from happening…or alot f money was moved.

Well Hallelujah.  I guess this makes Noah the Merge Gaming Network’s Messiah right?  Btw, what proof do we have that it is prevented?

Robert continued with the following:

[3:57:58 PM] Robert: yeah i just don’t understand the bashing and negativity towards noah.  I had SOLID info, provided proof i was who i was..and what was going to happen. I couldn’t give him specifics, but gave him enough to proof who i was
[3:58:05 PM] Robert: and wanted to help the poker community
[3:58:15 PM] Robert: he vetted the shit out of me
[3:58:32 PM] Robert: Let’s say I came to you….
[3:58:35 PM] Robert: sent you some docs
[3:58:40 PM] Robert: proofing who i am
[3:58:47 PM] Robert: and give you info
[3:58:51 PM] Robert: what do you do with it?

I told him that I didn’t know.  He then said that:
[3:59:13 PM] Robert: well noah had 3 good weeks to think about it

Interesting.  So from what Robert says, Noah knew about this close to a month ago, but waited until there would be an absolute run on accounts until he posted the information?  I know I have been critical on the article, but even to me that sounds a bit far fetched.  A week or so, maybe.  While I think his report on Merge is a blatant fear mongering post, I don’t see him being that incompetent.

I then tried to see if I could get some specific details from this Robert guy about what he knew.  I asked him if they were going after processors, and he said the following:

[4:02:04 PM] Robert: sort of.  But different this time. THis processor is a conglomerate, made up of different companies.   Big percentage of merge’s overall business.  Merge is not liquid enough to cover a massive siezure like FT and Stars did.  And they got into this processor through a merge employee.
[4:02:06 PM] Robert: so yeah
[4:02:07 PM] Robert: i mean
[4:02:13 PM] Robert: it’s pretty directly affects merge
[4:02:34 PM] Robert: it was quite different in that regard

Wait, are we talking Merge or Pokerstars here?  What proof do you have that Merge is not liquid enough to cover a massive seizure?  Btw, he also needs to get his facts straight.  Full Tilt did not have the funds to cover the seizure.  Why else are they trying to raise capital?

I pretty much figured this guy was a troll to this point, but soon after the above “revelation” is when he more or less admitted he was full of shit in my mind.

I asked the guy who he was he claimed:

[4:03:25 PM] Robert: but been assisting maryland for last 4+ years

Yet, your Skype claims you are in Los Angeles.  Why are you not working with the LA branch?

When I asked him why he picked Subject:Poker:

[4:04:14 PM] Robert: noah is a friend of mine…..known him for a while..and I wanted him to cash out

Really?  Wanted Noah to cash out, eh?  I wonder if he read Noah’s little statement on TwoPlusTwo.  He stated, “Let me explain who I am. I am a person who wants the hell out of the poker world. I stopped playing poker over a year ago.”

Is it possible Noah has money on Merge?  Of course, but it seems that a good friend of Noah would know he hasn’t played poker in the last year.

Robert then claims that he got involved with the DOJ back in 2006:

[4:05:54 PM] Robert: i was someone working in the gaming induistry….had a problem back in 2006 with the GOV, and became a “helper”
[4:06:05 PM] Robert: they didn’t know much about the industry before i came on board
[4:06:46 PM] Robert: make sense?

So, is he claiming to have worked with Partypoker?  Maybe Ultimatebet?  Nice use of 2006 there.  Also, how much of a helper can you really be if you have not worked in the industry since 2006?  Things have changed a lot since then.

So I point blank asked him whether the DOJ was going after Merge.  Robert says:

[4:18:18 PM] Robert: I can tell you that this processor moved 95% of thei rmoney
[4:18:28 PM] Robert: one account was siezed, was international and had 5 figures in it
[4:18:31 PM] Robert: but still in the process
[4:18:43 PM] Robert: but yes, investigation pretty much got fucked

Little conflicting info there.  An account got seized, but the investigation is fucked?  Which is it?  Are you sure you didn’t write the Subject:Poker article?

Finally, I even offered to retract my article if this guy could provide any proof at all who he is:

4:24:04 PM] Robert: its all sealed
[4:24:08 PM] Robert: i can’t
[4:24:14 PM] Gerry Poltorak: id be happy to look over the proof and retract my post backing noah up
[4:24:54 PM] Robert: i can’t send any docs
[4:24:58 PM] Robert: on merge
[4:24:59 PM] Robert: sorry
[4:25:05 PM] Robert: i gotta run for now

So…he can send this stuff to Noah, but not to me? It’s sealed, but Noah got them.  Right.

So, the Merge Network is safe and Noah is their current Messiah.  All hail Noah.  Ok, not really.

This guy gave about as much vague information as the report on Subject:Poker.  Granted, at least he did try to make up a few more “facts” than Subject:Poker, but he kept contradicting himself when pressed to give over proof.  He had the proof to give Noah, but now that proof is sealed.  Right.

Let’s assume for a moment that this guy is legitimately the same guy that gave Noah his info.  If that is the case, based on what he “shared” with me, you really should take their report with a grain of salt.  If the information is sealed, then what did he give Noah?  The fact that he cannot seem to keep facts straight put a lot of doubt in my mind.  How about you?

So there you have it, the supposed Subject:Poker source.  “Sources” claim he is the cousin of the tooth fairy and brother of the Easter bunny.  However, the documents are sealed and I can’t provide them to you.  Sorry.



Here is the full Skype Convo:

[9/14/2011 3:14:00 PM] robertholla: Like to talk to you about Merge Gaming
[9/14/2011 3:30:34 PM] Gerry Poltorak: Gerry Poltorak has shared contact details with Robert.
[9/14/2011 3:49:13 PM] Robert: gerry!
[9/14/2011 3:49:29 PM] Gerry Poltorak: Hi mate
[9/14/2011 3:49:32 PM] Robert: hello mate
[9/14/2011 3:49:47 PM] Robert: ur article re: Merge was well
[9/14/2011 3:49:48 PM] Robert: interesting
[9/14/2011 3:50:33 PM] Gerry Poltorak: 2 secs m8
[9/14/2011 3:50:35 PM] Robert: k
[9/14/2011 3:50:36 PM] Gerry Poltorak: brb
[9/14/2011 3:52:11 PM] Gerry Poltorak: back mate
[9/14/2011 3:52:15 PM] Gerry Poltorak: 2 kids going mad
[9/14/2011 3:52:17 PM] Gerry Poltorak: sorry
[9/14/2011 3:52:36 PM] Robert: don’t take this the wrong way….but what else was noah supposed to do with this information
[9/14/2011 3:52:37 PM] Robert: not say anything?
[9/14/2011 3:53:22 PM] Gerry Poltorak: mate what he has did is turned a bit of information about nothing into a panic piece
[9/14/2011 3:53:37 PM] Robert: well i get that, but should he have not  published anything?
[9/14/2011 3:53:44 PM] Gerry Poltorak: there is nothing in his post that is anyway new
[9/14/2011 3:54:00 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i have no problem him publishing anything he wants
[9/14/2011 3:54:16 PM] Gerry Poltorak: to be 100% what he has did with the FT post where excellent
[9/14/2011 3:54:20 PM] Robert: yeah but if i came to you, said I was a CI for the DOJ and had information would u not publish it?
[9/14/2011 3:54:38 PM] Gerry Poltorak: what info did he get
[9/14/2011 3:54:50 PM] Gerry Poltorak: even if he did get leaked info
[9/14/2011 3:54:55 PM] Gerry Poltorak: what was it
[9/14/2011 3:55:23 PM] Robert: Look, i’ll be frank with you.. I am his source and this whole ordeal has been very sensitive
[9/14/2011 3:55:31 PM] Robert: just amazes me, like he shouldn’t have posted the article at all
[9/14/2011 3:56:20 PM] Gerry Poltorak: mate all i did was point out the opposite side
[9/14/2011 3:56:28 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i have no problem with subject poker
[9/14/2011 3:56:35 PM] Robert: no i get the opposite side and all, but his intentions were correct
[9/14/2011 3:56:39 PM] Gerry Poltorak: and have no idea who noah is
[9/14/2011 3:56:51 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i dont even have an account on 2+2
[9/14/2011 3:56:53 PM] Robert: and I can openly say did prevent a pretty big siezure from happening…or alot f money was moved
[9/14/2011 3:56:56 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i got banned years ago
[9/14/2011 3:57:02 PM] Robert: fuck 2+2
[9/14/2011 3:57:17 PM] Gerry Poltorak: trying to give you background info on me just
[9/14/2011 3:57:33 PM] Gerry Poltorak: it wasnt anything spiteful
[9/14/2011 3:57:43 PM] Gerry Poltorak: or if i have a problem with the site or anything
[9/14/2011 3:57:58 PM] Robert: yeah i just don’t understand the bashing and negativity towards noah.  I had SOLID info, provided proof i was who i was..and what was going to happen. I couldn’t give him specifics, but gave him enough to proof who i was
[9/14/2011 3:58:05 PM] Robert: and wanted to help the poker community
[9/14/2011 3:58:15 PM] Robert: he vetted the shit out of me
[9/14/2011 3:58:15 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i just didnt agree at all with the story and thought it was really badly worded
[9/14/2011 3:58:32 PM] Robert: Let’s say I came to you….
[9/14/2011 3:58:35 PM] Robert: sent you some docs
[9/14/2011 3:58:40 PM] Robert: proofing who i am
[9/14/2011 3:58:47 PM] Robert: and give you info
[9/14/2011 3:58:51 PM] Robert: what do you do with it?
[9/14/2011 3:59:04 PM] Gerry Poltorak: no idea mate
[9/14/2011 3:59:11 PM] Gerry Poltorak: wasnt in that position
[9/14/2011 3:59:13 PM] Robert: well noah had 3 good weeks to think about it
[9/14/2011 3:59:30 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i have nothing against them or the site
[9/14/2011 3:59:45 PM] Robert: yeah i duno, im just amazed at the negativity, when his article did more good than bad
[9/14/2011 3:59:48 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i wrote what my impression of that post was about
[9/14/2011 3:59:49 PM] Robert: it’s all good
[9/14/2011 4:00:14 PM] Gerry Poltorak: it was just scare mongering mate
[9/14/2011 4:00:21 PM] Robert: no it was very real
[9/14/2011 4:00:30 PM] Robert: VERY
[9/14/2011 4:01:07 PM] Gerry Poltorak: what they where going after one of merges processors
[9/14/2011 4:01:15 PM] Gerry Poltorak: hasnt that happened 100 times b4
[9/14/2011 4:02:04 PM] Robert: sort of.  But different this time. THis processor is a conglomerate, made up of different companies.   Big percentage of merge’s overall business.  Merge is not liquid enough to cover a massive siezure like FT and Stars did.  And they got into this processor through a merge employee
[9/14/2011 4:02:06 PM] Robert: so yeah
[9/14/2011 4:02:07 PM] Robert: i mean
[9/14/2011 4:02:13 PM] Robert: it’s pretty directly affects merge
[9/14/2011 4:02:34 PM] Robert: it was quite different in that regard
[9/14/2011 4:02:55 PM] Gerry Poltorak: can i ask who you are mate anyway
[9/14/2011 4:02:59 PM] Gerry Poltorak: and how u got the info
[9/14/2011 4:03:07 PM] Robert: well
[9/14/2011 4:03:16 PM] Robert: can’t expose myself
[9/14/2011 4:03:17 PM] Robert: obviously
[9/14/2011 4:03:25 PM] Robert: but been assisting maryland for last 4+ years
[9/14/2011 4:03:47 PM] Gerry Poltorak: can i ask why u passed the info on just
[9/14/2011 4:03:54 PM] Gerry Poltorak: and why subject poker
[9/14/2011 4:04:01 PM] Robert: well good question
[9/14/2011 4:04:14 PM] Robert: noah is a friend of mine…..known him for a while..and I wanted him to cash out
[9/14/2011 4:04:18 PM] Robert: didn’t even want him to publish shit
[9/14/2011 4:04:28 PM] Robert: he convinved me that the commuinity needed to know what was going to happen
[9/14/2011 4:04:34 PM] Robert: i finally agreed
[9/14/2011 4:04:49 PM] Robert: i wanted my friends to havwe the ability to cash out before the shit hit the fan
[9/14/2011 4:05:09 PM] Gerry Poltorak: and what do u do mate
[9/14/2011 4:05:17 PM] Gerry Poltorak: if u dont mind me asking
[9/14/2011 4:05:22 PM] Robert: yeah i can’t get in to that
[9/14/2011 4:05:26 PM] Robert: my identity is crucial
[9/14/2011 4:05:30 PM] Robert: but i can tell you this
[9/14/2011 4:05:39 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i was just looking a job description
[9/14/2011 4:05:53 PM] Gerry Poltorak: all i know about u is you are using a name robert
[9/14/2011 4:05:54 PM] Robert: i was someone working in the gaming induistry….had a problem back in 2006 with the GOV, and became a “helper”
[9/14/2011 4:06:05 PM] Robert: they didn’t know much about the industry before i came on board
[9/14/2011 4:06:46 PM] Robert: make sense?
[9/14/2011 4:06:59 PM] Robert: i just don’t like the HATERS
[9/14/2011 4:07:12 PM] Gerry Poltorak: im not a hater mate
[9/14/2011 4:07:24 PM] Robert: how else is your article perceived
[9/14/2011 4:08:06 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i tore apart an article that i find that has been over blown and been written to frighten
[9/14/2011 4:08:23 PM] Robert: but what people don’t know is what is really did
[9/14/2011 4:08:32 PM] Robert: and how anthony taylor at merge gaming
[9/14/2011 4:08:35 PM] Robert: did exactly what we wanted him to do
[9/14/2011 4:08:43 PM] Robert: the money was moved
[9/14/2011 4:08:48 PM] Robert: and out of the reach
[9/14/2011 4:09:41 PM] Robert: eh anyway
[9/14/2011 4:09:45 PM] Robert: not worth the argument
[9/14/2011 4:09:51 PM] Robert: i just wanted to share my thouights
[9/14/2011 4:09:55 PM] Robert: i can’t be a part of this obv because of who i am
[9/14/2011 4:10:02 PM] Gerry Poltorak: understand
[9/14/2011 4:10:19 PM] Gerry Poltorak: but u must understand ive taken this with a pinch of salt
[9/14/2011 4:10:30 PM] Robert: yeah whatever
[9/14/2011 4:11:12 PM] Gerry Poltorak: dont u worry about your job mate
[9/14/2011 4:11:55 PM] Robert: yeah i question my even telling anyone aobut this
[9/14/2011 4:12:11 PM] Gerry Poltorak: why didnt u tell about the ft and ps stuff
[9/14/2011 4:12:26 PM] Robert: what stufff?
[9/14/2011 4:13:01 PM] Gerry Poltorak: when the doj went after stars, FT and UB
[9/14/2011 4:13:06 PM] Gerry Poltorak: black friday
[9/14/2011 4:13:18 PM] Robert: becasue that was the New York DOJ
[9/14/2011 4:13:21 PM] Robert: different
[9/14/2011 4:13:24 PM] Robert: office
[9/14/2011 4:13:25 PM] Gerry Poltorak: ok
[9/14/2011 4:13:27 PM] Robert: they do not speak to eachother
[9/14/2011 4:13:32 PM] Robert: and frankly have bene battling
[9/14/2011 4:14:19 PM] Gerry Poltorak: could u email me any proof on the doj vs merge
[9/14/2011 4:14:30 PM] Robert: i have recorded phone calls
[9/14/2011 4:14:32 PM] Robert: but no docs
[9/14/2011 4:14:33 PM] Gerry Poltorak: just what you sent s:P to convince them
[9/14/2011 4:14:42 PM] Robert: there is no point in sending you and information
[9/14/2011 4:14:51 PM] Robert: i just wanted to hear your reason on this article
[9/14/2011 4:14:52 PM] Robert: and i got it
[9/14/2011 4:15:03 PM] Gerry Poltorak: strange
[9/14/2011 4:15:16 PM] Gerry Poltorak: im still not sure how to take this convo
[9/14/2011 4:15:22 PM] Robert: take it whatever way you want
[9/14/2011 4:15:56 PM] Robert: just interested in someone who toko the time, probably at least an hour to write an article like that
[9/14/2011 4:16:02 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i was just thinking if it annoyed you enough to contact me
[9/14/2011 4:16:08 PM] Robert: yeah it did
[9/14/2011 4:16:29 PM] Gerry Poltorak: i could make another statement taking back everything i said if you could prove im wrong
[9/14/2011 4:16:46 PM] Gerry Poltorak: but i cant just accept everything a stranger on skype has told me
[9/14/2011 4:16:51 PM] Gerry Poltorak: as im sure you understand
[9/14/2011 4:17:08 PM] Robert: yeah it’s irrelevent to have to proof to every news outlet…yeah u can be skeptical..probably best that you are….
[9/14/2011 4:17:42 PM] Robert: i got what i wanted..
[9/14/2011 4:17:46 PM] Gerry Poltorak: so u saying they are no longer going after merge
[9/14/2011 4:17:56 PM] Gerry Poltorak: since this came out?
[9/14/2011 4:18:18 PM] Robert: I can tell you that this processor moved 95% of thei rmoney
[9/14/2011 4:18:28 PM] Robert: one account was siezed, was international and had 5 figures in it
[9/14/2011 4:18:31 PM] Robert: but still in the process
[9/14/2011 4:18:43 PM] Robert: but yes, investigation pretty much got fucked
[9/14/2011 4:18:56 PM] Gerry Poltorak: so they got next to nothing then
[9/14/2011 4:19:14 PM] Robert: odds of them getting this one account are slim too
[9/14/2011 4:19:20 PM] Robert: the country probably is n’t going to allow the siezure
[9/14/2011 4:20:19 PM] Robert: its a juristictional mess
[9/14/2011 4:20:47 PM] Gerry Poltorak: so merge are good again for a while
[9/14/2011 4:21:02 PM] Robert: oh yeah, unless another office is investigating
[9/14/2011 4:21:11 PM] Robert: the US gov is hilaruios.  the offices compete with one another and dont share info
[9/14/2011 4:21:20 PM] Robert: so maryland NOT ANYMORE
[9/14/2011 4:21:38 PM] Gerry Poltorak: see dont understand much to be honest
[9/14/2011 4:21:41 PM] Gerry Poltorak: as im in the UK
[9/14/2011 4:22:08 PM] Gerry Poltorak: poker and depositing on poker sites is still 100% legal here
[9/14/2011 4:22:14 PM] Robert: amazing
[9/14/2011 4:22:19 PM] Robert: hopefully one day here in the US
[9/14/2011 4:22:38 PM] Gerry Poltorak: well you do stay in the land of the free
[9/14/2011 4:22:45 PM] Gerry Poltorak: well nearly free
[9/14/2011 4:22:45 PM] Robert: lol
[9/14/2011 4:22:55 PM] Gerry Poltorak: well free if you do what the government want
[9/14/2011 4:23:03 PM] Robert: tru
[9/14/2011 4:23:53 PM] Gerry Poltorak: mate if you could email me any info from the merge stuff that just happened
[9/14/2011 4:24:04 PM] Robert: its all sealed
[9/14/2011 4:24:08 PM] Robert: i can’t
[9/14/2011 4:24:14 PM] Gerry Poltorak: id be happy to look over the proof and retract my post and then back noah up
[9/14/2011 4:24:54 PM] Robert: i can’t send any docs
[9/14/2011 4:24:58 PM] Robert: on merge
[9/14/2011 4:24:59 PM] Robert: sorry
[9/14/2011 4:25:05 PM] Robert: i gotta run for now
[9/14/2011 4:25:07 PM] Gerry Poltorak: just looking proof mate
[9/14/2011 4:25:07 PM] Robert: let’s talk soon
[9/14/2011 4:25:11 PM] Gerry Poltorak: sure
[9/14/2011 4:25:18 PM] Gerry Poltorak: thanks for contacting anyway mate
[9/14/2011 4:25:22 PM] Robert: sure

p.s  If any more sources want to contact me please make sure you can provide proof

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3 Responses to “Supposed Subject Poker Source contacts PokerNewsBoy”

  1. Sam says:

    This sounds like a lame attempt to discredit the source and Noah at all costs while bailing out your last article which is obviously the real farce. Your motives and statements are clearly conflicting.

    1) Why would you bother writing THIS article if you don’t think this is the real source? Shouldn’t you have just ended the conversation and laughed it off?

    2) If you do believe now it’s the real source, why do you bash him for giving you incomplete info and asking you a few questions?

    Who cares if he said is was “sealed”. He just doesn’t wanna send documents to every interweb blogger. Who cares if he referenced 2006. Things have changed a lot since 2006? Like what? The games got much harder, sure. What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

    Who cares if he mentioned Stars and FTP as liquid. That wasn’t his office’s project. It has no relevance to his authenticity.

    You say it’s conflicting for him to say one small account was seized but 95% of funds got moved thereby “fucking” the investigation? That sounds like the opposite of conflicting information. Makes perfect sense actually.

    To me his description of the offices of NY and Maryland sound very legit. His remarks about the movement of funds sounds very realistic. It’s either a very lazy leveling job (that shouldnt have resulted in this article) or he’s the real guy and his statements are very interesting.

  2. john davis says:

    Lol. I just finished reading your other article about this “source” and then read this. I don’t know whether to believe that this guy is the real source, but he’s definitely trying to say noah did the right thing by printing the rumours.

    Either the real deal source is less than credible, or sp is trying to do damage control. Either way it looks bad for the article that sp wrote.

  3. KAVILLA says:

    Why would a C.I. knowingly give enough information about himself to be identified by the DOJ in a skype conversation he has to know would be made public….this guy is NOT the real source and you know it. there was zero point to this article…thumbsup!

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